You don’t have a business if you don’t have sales.

You don’t have a business if you don’t have sales.

January 03, 20251 min read

Your Primary Cashflow Source

Your business’s primary source of cash flow is from your customers.

So, when the market’s being choosy about how and where they spend their dollars, your success hinges on your ability to set up, sustain and close sales. We’ve seen evidence of the little guys outpacing the bigger corporates. They’re seeing opportunities and acting with greater agility, presenting new offerings and sales – with ease.

Your ability to drive sales also depends on the strategy and culture of success you’ve created within your business.

What we’ve seen at Halo, time and again, is those who don’t have a strategy just fight fires. The businesses with strategies for dealing with downturns are those who are able to lean on their networks, continue communicating value, and develop ongoing forecasts.

These are the businesses that come out stronger.

Questions you should be asking

Consider this and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do we do 30/90/120 pipeline forecasts?

  • What is our retention focus?
    Do our customers enjoy the very best experience?

  • What is our strategy on pricing and our positioning?

  • Do we have an effective marketing lead flow?

  • Is our company ready for unexpected market opportunities?

If you answered these positively and confidently, that’ll tell you you’re running a sound, resilient business. Our operational realities (and the world as we know it) have changed. And when we come to the edge of all that we know, we have only one choice: stand our ground or build something better.

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