Is your business ready to survive an economic downturn?

Is your business ready to survive an economic downturn?

January 03, 20252 min read

Challenging Times

They say that change is the only constant. And the past years have delivered more change than ever, particularly for business owners.

There’s no doubt a slowdown is upon us and not every business will make it through. So what can you do to increase your chance of survival?

We’re getting our member businesses to focus on the basics, to make sure the foundations they’ve built their business on are still solid. And to make sure what they do, how they do it and who they do it for is still relevant for these changing times.

It’s not just businesses who are having to adapt. The people we do business with are adapting too. In times of uncertainty, your customers will be looking for businesses they can trust, who will stay the course and do a superior job. If the way you’re marketing your business doesn’t communicate this, it will be missing the mark.

Three ways to market your services in a post-Covid world.

1. Check your marketing message

What’s worked in the past may not work anymore.

The key to marketing is to start a conversation about what’s going on in your prospects’ minds – and what’s going on in their minds has changed. A lot. While they still have money to spend, they’re more cautious about what they spend it on and who they spend it with.

Our Tip

Talk to your existing customers. Understanding what’s changed for them is the key to knowing if your marketing message is still relevant.

2. Check your ‘customer promise’

In tough economic times, your customers want to know three simple things: that they can trust you, they’ll get superior service and they’ll pay a fair price. Now’s the right time to make sure this messaging is front and centre, and that you can follow through of course!

Our Tip

Check the language you use when marketing and communicating with new customers and think about what else needs to change in your business such as providing more transparent pricing, or added value.

3. Use technology to deliver even better service

We’ve all had to get used to doing things remotely and while you can’t install an en suite via Zoom, there are still lots of ways you can use technology for both sales and customer service.

Our Tip

Make sure your website is up-to-date and to think about using other digital marketing tools like email, search and social media. You could even try offering customers the option of meeting over Zoom to save on all that travel time and cost!

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