Do More, Better & Quicker
Action Planning
Business owners can get caught up in the ‘doing’ when actioning a plan, but there are three aspects we need to consider first, to ensure we get the most out of what we’re doing to be successful.
Before, During and After.
Before we start implementing the plan, what must be in place to ensure that we’re setting ourselves up to have the best opportunity for success?
What do we need to do during the implementation of the plan? This is not just about the actions we need to take, but think about what else needs to be there – people, time, money, resources – whatever is required to support it.
Once you’ve completed the plan, what do you need to do next?
Are there certain things that you’ll need to follow up? Are you going to do some kind of review? What are the measures and the metrics that you need to put in place and check before, during and after?
This is an opportunity to learn in two ways – what went well and what didn’t go so well?
A key part of this is embedding these learnings so that in the future, you can benefit from that experience and be more efficient and effective.