3 Elements to Drive Results

3 Elements to Drive Results

January 03, 20252 min read

3 Key Elements

Today’s business tip is about the three key elements when putting your business plan together.
It’s easy to have ideas about the plans and actions we need to take, but it’s harder to put into practice.

The three key elements that you need to look at are as follows:


Do you have a desire to make the change? If not, nothing will happen.


Do you have a clear vision of the end goal? Without a destination in mind, it’s difficult to map out a route.

Without a route, you can end up going round in circles and getting nowhere, therefore wasting time, effort, money, resource and opportunities.


Do you have a clear, written plan?

Do you understand what priorities need to be addressed and why they’re important?

Do you know the two or three key steps that you need to take to help you progress towards each of those?

A Simple Formula

It’s a simple formula, the DVP – DESIRE, VISION & PLAN.

All three must be properly aligned, or your efforts could be undermined.

  • Score yourself out of each of these factors 1 to 10 (high is 8-9-10, mediocre is 4-5-6-7, low is 1-2-3).

  • How clear is the VISION? Crystal clear? Score high. A little vague, it’s in the middle. And if you’re going “what vision?”, score low.

  • Repeat for the level of DESIRE and your PLAN.

  • Take your three scores and multiply them together to get a total out of 1,000 (10x10x10) you can’t score anything zero.

If scored three 5s that would score 125 over 1000 or 12.5%.

A low score.

It means the change initiative you are trying to implement is likely to fail. If you want to be successful in what you’re doing and how you’re doing it then you need to score at least three 8s.

Look at your current score. What is the gap between where you are now and where you want to be?

Now think of one key action that you can take right now to help you increase the score in 1, 2 or 3 of those items.

Get In Touch

It’s a great framework to give you a better understanding of where you need to go to get the results that you deserve.

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